A Letter from the Desk of
Dr. Naomi Johnson-Booker
We have so much to celebrate!
It’s an exciting time for Global Leadership Academy Schools!
During the 2021-2022 school year, both of our schools are celebrating milestone anniversaries. GLA West & GLASW are celebrating its 15th anniversary and 5th respectfully. These anniversaries represent thousands of scholars who were educated under our unique life-changing Global Studies and Leadership curriculum.
Most Global Leadership Academy Schools families reside along Philadelphia’s School-to-Prison Pipeline. Many of those families live below the federal poverty level. Many area families have inherited an intergenerational “poverty mindset”—a belief one is destined to poverty. By taking our scholars across the globe on learning excursions and opening their eyes to the reality that they are the “Future Leaders of the World,” we have introduced them to a new way of thinking that has begun to break that cycle.
During the past year as a global panic pandemic and national civil unrest came right up to our families’ doorsteps, we learned something important about our scholars. We learned they are resilient. Our scholars are familiar with “Resiliency” as it is January’s Jewel of the Month. The past year was the first time since the fire of 2011 that our entire school was put to the test. When we left the building in March 2020 and transitioned to a virtual model, overall attendance reached an all-time high. Our scholars demonstrated greater levels of creativity through technology, and communication between home and school substantially improved. When we returned to the building in September 2021, we returned stronger, with a greater appreciation for others.
Despite the economic impact the pandemic has had on the economy, Global Leadership Academy Schools continues to be blessed with support from our community of stakeholders, including contractors, philanthropists, and our network of friends and colleagues who believe in what we are doing. I am so grateful for everyone who has continued to share our vision.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. As you click through our content, please be sure to visit our newest feature called “The Booker Blog,” a communication about how Global Leadership Academy Schools relate to current events. Also, be sure to visit our News tab where you will find links to many of the exciting media coverage on Global Leadership Academy Schools. And, before you leave our site, please consider visiting our Fundraising page where every dollar donated goes directly to providing our scholars the opportunity to travel the globe as they discover themselves becoming the Future Leaders of the World!
Yours truly,
Dr. Naomi Johnson Booker