Our Approach
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Our Approach
Click below to download the current Municode information and handbooks.
Nurturing creative learners
Global Leadership Academy Schools (GLA) nurtures creative learners who are globally competent, competitive and compassionate. Our scholars are educated holistically in preparation for the 21st century workplace and are ready to facilitate change where needed. Our Scholars are supported by a foundation that fosters high academic achievement, emotional, social and spiritual intelligence; they are prepared to identify and accomplish their individual missions and goals.
Our handbooks provides additional information regarding GLA’s requirements, programs, policy, and procedures. Click the icons to the left to download the handbooks.
Leadership development
Global Leadership Academy Schools (GLA) strive to develop in every K-8 scholar an awareness of his or her own leadership potential and to create a spirit of leadership in the GLA community. GLA believes that Leadership Development, as an instructional goal, is committed to preparing Future Leaders of the World.
Culturally Responsive Learning
Global Leadership Academy Schools (GLA) recognize the importance of including students' cultural references in all aspects of their learning. We also emphasize positive perspectives on parents, families, and communities. High expectations and accountability are essential parts of our Culturally Responsive Learning processes.
Small Learning Communities
Each school is divided into three learning communities, reflecting Global Leadership Academy Schools (GLA) “Schools within a School” model.
Those learning communities are:
Rising Stars: K-2/3
Legendary Leaders: 3-5/6
Collegiate Academy: 6-7/8
Our model is fashioned from Dr. Booker’s dissertation, Restructuring Into Small Learning Communities:
A Model for Elementary School Improvement, April 2000.